our policies
By enrolling your child in Acro Kids classes you (as the child student’s parent or guardian) acknowledge that you have read, agree to abide by, and (where the context requires) consent to, all of the terms, conditions, codes and policies referred to below.
To enrol at Acro Kids for Term 1 2024 you agree to abide by the following:
At Acro Kids we are committed to maintaining best practices in relation to hygiene standards and will always strive to make our environment safe, supportive, nurturing and happy for our students.
Please note that it is essential that you keep your child at home if unwell. Any children displaying symptoms or appearing physically unwell will not be permitted to attend class.
There will be no refunds for students not attending class due to illness AND/OR if government restrictions require us to stop face-to-face learning. If government imposed restrictions require us to once again close our doors, the first 2 weeks of missed classes will be available as make up classes once we return (maximum of 2 make up classes per term). Any remaining missed classes due to a government enforced lockdown will be available as a credit to use for future term classes, holiday programs, parties or private coaching. By enrolling with Acro Kids you are agreeing to this approach and understand that you will not be refunded for any fees paid.
Congratulations on enrolling your child in our unique Acro Kids program. We sincerely hope your child will greatly enjoy their participation in our program, and will gain increased physical skills and abilities, as well as increased confidence.
what is Acro Kids?
Acrobatics is an extraordinary physical art-form which dates back many thousands of years in different forms and different cultures. Although usually associated with circus performance, acrobatics forms the foundation of many performing and martial arts as well as sports due to its emphasis on balance, agility, motor-coordination, poise and control. General acrobatic activities include floor tumbling, mini trampoline, acro balance, handstands, cartwheels and somersaults. More advanced skills include gymnastics, flexibility, strength and control training.
our programs help children to:
Enhance balance, co-ordination and agility
Develop posture and confident body movement, including the ability to land safely
Challenge the mind and body to reach new goals
Build fitness, strength and flexibility
Further develop their confidence, including self-belief, self-discipline, empathy, courage, leadership and resilience
our philosophy
Acro Kids is a fun, energetic, non-competitive, recreational gymnastics program which aims to develop children’s acrobatic skills, fitness, co-ordination, stability and confidence.
Research demonstrates that physical activity and sports enhance children’s cognitive functioning memory, concentration, behaviour and academic achievement. However, many physical and sporting activities are highly competitive and teach children that unless they are very good at a particular sport or achieve certain levels they are either excluded from teams or encouraged to try something else.
Acro Kids is child centric in that we focus on the individual child and support them to develop and build their acrobatics skills at whatever level they are at, regardless of age or fitness.
Our programs are holistic in that they combine physical activities with building confident kids, in key areas such as self-belief, courage, resilience, self-discipline, leadership and empathy. These components are built into our programs in the way we interact and teach, enhancing the child’s experience and engendering traits that will help them grow into confident adults combined with a love of physical exercise.
our values
We treat our clients (children and their parents) with care and respect
We role-model the confident characteristics we are engendering in the children (self- belief, self-discipline, courage, empathy, leadership and resilience)
We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to develop their physical skills in a fun and enjoyable way
We are professional in our approach, committed to our own continued professional development combined with a positive and engaging attitude
class levels (beginner-intermediate-advanced)
While it is helpful for children to feel comfortable by being in a class with children of a similar age, our classes operate on the level of skill and children are assessed and placed in a class matching their level of skill. We regularly assess children throughout the term and move them up to the next level when they are ready. We encourage children to develop their skills at their own pace without comparing themselves or their progress to others.
discipline policy
In order to create a safe and positive environment for all children it is important that children respect others and respond to the instructions given by their coaches. New students are shown how to use the equipment safely as well as how to complete the physical exercises. If children are being disruptive or aggressive to others they will be given a warning to change their behaviour. However, if it continues they will be asked to sit out for a few minutes, and then re-join the class if they agree to change their behaviours. If the child continues with the disruptive behaviour, their parent or carer will be contacted to collect them.
Dealing with Injuries – see Injury Protocol
termination of enrolment
When reasonable efforts have not been able to resolve difficult situations, and it will likely be in the best interest of the child, and other students, Acro Kids reserves the right to cancel a child’s enrolment in the program. While this decision will not be taken lightly it would likely be in the following circumstances:
Continued disruptive, dangerous or aggressive behaviour by students or their parents
Breach of our terms and conditions
Failure to pay fees within a reasonable timeframe (generally no later than the 2nd class of the term)
Any fees paid or payable will not be refunded.
All important information is sent to you via email so please ensure that your email details are up to date. We also will post important notifications on our Customer Portal, you can sign up to our Customer Portal here
fees –
see our program pages for fees
All fees must be paid in advance or via a monthly direct debit. Upfront payment options are online credit card payment (surcharges apply), eftpos or cash. Children will not be permitted to attend classes if fees haven’t been paid either up front or direct debit option has been activated.
All fees are inclusive of GST. A receipt will be issued to you when you complete your enrolment via our customer portal. Tax invoices are available on request.
Direct debit surcharges may apply.
- If your child is going to be away for extended periods of time (i.e. 4 weeks or more within one term) discounted fees may be requested in advance. These arrangements must be made prior to the commencement of term and discounts will be at the discretion of Acro Kids. Discounts will not be available for those classes with waiting lists in place.
Family discounts are applicable see programs
make up classes
We regret that we cannot offer refunds or credits for classes missed during the term. Each child is entitled to do a maximum of 2 make-up classes within the same term when they are unable to attend their scheduled class for an unavoidable reason such as illness. A minimum of 2 hours notice of your child’s absence is required to be eligible for a make up class. Absences and make up classes must be recorded and requested via the customer portal. Please note: there are no credit, refunds or make up classes available for missed Baby Acro classes.
refunds/ cancellations
If you wish to cancel your child’s enrolment in our Acro Kids program you must do so prior to the commencement of Term. Any paid sessions will be refunded minus the annual membership fee which is non-refundable.
If you wish to cancel your child’s enrolment after the start of Term, a minimum of two weeks notice is required. Any remaining paid sessions after the two week period will be refunded minus the annual membership fee which is non-refundable.
dropping off and collecting your child
It is expected that children are punctual to class.
For the safety of our children please drive slowly! There are many young children coming in and out of the building.
Whilst all reasonable care is taken, to the extent permitted by law Acro Kids is not liable for children outside of scheduled classes or the immediate premises. All parents/carers must drop off and pick up their child at the door. Children are not permitted to wait outside the building for their parent/carer.
Do not double park in the middle of the driveway to collect your child. This obstructs other people needing to park and turn their cars around.
The safety of our students, children and staff is of paramount importance, and we respectfully ask you to adhere to these policies and communicate to any other parties who may be dropping off or collecting your child.
parent viewing policy/open days
Any children either attending a trial class, with special needs or separation anxiety are welcome to have a parent or carer in the class room to help them settle into the class environment. Once children are settled parents/carers are welcome to sit in the waiting area or alternatively leave and pick up at the end of class. During the middle and end of each term we have open classes for parents to come into the class room to watch the class and even join in the fun!
social media and image policy
Acro Kids reserves the right to use images taken from classes, and other activities solely as part of our marketing and promotion activities. Parents consent to and waive all rights to the use of these images for these purposes.
While parents may take photos or film their children at open classes, they need to be respectful of how these images are used if other children are in them. Acro Kids takes no responsibility or liability for how these images may be used.
heat policy
For our Braeside heat policy – see Acro Kids Heat Policy Braeside
For our Mornington heat policy – see Acro Kids Heat Policy Mornington
our commitment to child safety
Our organisation is committed to child safety.
Acro Kids is committed to having a set of policies and procedures relating to child safety in place. These will be reviewed and evaluated regularly. We are committed to remaining up to date with current best practice and implementing this within our own organisation.
We want children to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers. We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children. Acro Kids core values clearly support this commitment.
our values
- We treat our clients (children and their parents) with care and respect
- We role-model the confident characteristics we are engendering in the children (selfbelief, self-discipline, courage, empathy, leadership and resilience)
- Physical activities and skill development should be fun and enjoyable
- We are professional in our approach, committed to our own continued professional development combined with a positive and engaging attitude
We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures.
Our Child Safety Officer (the Director) will be the first port of call for all incidents and will guide staff through all procedural requirements.
We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.
We will ensure that we remain up to date with all obligations via our association and memberships with peak bodies such as Gymnastics Australia.
Our organisation is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks.
We are committed to remaining up to date with current best practice in this area of risk identification.
Our organisation has robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers.
As a minimum all staff will hold a current Working with Children Check and Level 2 First Aid Certificate. Staff will have relevant qualifications or be in the process of obtaining qualifications under the direction of the Director. All staff will attend regular internal and external professional development.
Our organisation is committed to regularly training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks.
As a minimum our staff will participate in 4 internal professional development sessions per year. All volunteers will be given a clear briefing and induction prior to assisting with Acro Kids events.
We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers. We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
Training and development plans will be put in place each year that identify team and individual training needs. These plans will identify key areas for development and upskilling and will ensure that we remain up to date with current best practice.
We have specific policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments.
if you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.
privacy policy
We respect your privacy and as such the following provides you with information about how we use any information that you provide to us.
- We use any information gathered to assist us in ensuring the programs we teach are relevant and useful to your child, and in order to comply with certain laws and regulations.
- If we are gathering any personal information from you or about your child, please note that this is for our own use, and will not be provided to any third party unless required by law.
- We may disclose your information to service providers, agents and contractors (for example direct debit companies, or debt collection agencies) from time to time to help us to provide our services to you or as otherwise required or authorised by law.
- We take reasonable precautions to prevent the loss or misuse of your personal information.
- You have a right to access most personal information we hold about you and your child and to seek its correction. Please contact us via email – info@acrokids.com.au to ask for access to your information, or if you have a complaint concerning your information privacy
have your party with us
Our parties are heaps of fun for kids and easy for parents! Enjoy an acro, ninja or parkour party with your friends, all ages and levels of abilities can be catered for. You’ll enjoy having the whole venue to yourself hosted by our awesome Acro Kids coaches. So whether it’s a birthday or end of year break up you’re celebrating, we can’t wait to help you have an awesome time!